Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2021
The Archive of Aurelia Serenilla: Legal Struggles of a Propertied Heiress in Late Third Century Oxyrhynchus
Federica MICUCCI (British Library, London)
Forum Antike
Online Event
ERN Environmental Engagements: talks
"'Climate Justice Now!' Fridays for Future as a new wave of environmental activism" - Antje Daniels, Department for International Development Studies, University of Vienna
Forschungsnetzwerk Umwelt / Environmental Research Network
ABGESAGT Yankees and Pirates in the Atlantic World
Erlesenes Erforschen
Universitätsbibliothek Wien
Buchpräsentation, Lesung
Univie Urban Book Series - Hot Off The Press 2021
The Affordable City: Strategies for Putting Housing Within Reach (and keeping it there)
Research Platform: The Challenge of Urban Futures
Buchpräsentation, Lesung
Ringvorlesung Turkologie Sommersemester 2021
„Happy Together”: The entangled history of Jewish communities in Ottoman lands and Turkey
Institut für Orientalistik